- The business is owned by a B.C. resident or residents;
- The business’s sole or primary operations are located in B.C.
- The business:
- Is currently operating;
- Is registered in B.C.
- Employs up to 149 B.C. residents;
- Pays taxes in B.C.
- Maintains a
- Federal business number
- GST number
- PST and WorkSafeBC number (where applicable)
- Generated sales of more than $30,000 in the past year (in 2019, or in the year preceding the application)
- One of the following applies:
- Does not currently have an online store or has an online store that has no more than three of the five identified online store features optimized
- Customer registration and information security features
- Shopping cart and order management capabilities
- Payment processing options including application of appropriate taxes and shipping costs at time of ordering
- Product catalogue, search and inventory status
- Website analytics and reporting capabilities
- Does not currently have an online booking system or has an online booking system that has no more than three of the five identified online booking features optimized
- Customer registration and information security features
- Schedule navigation and reservation management capabilities
- Payment processing options including application of appropriate taxes at time of ordering, if applicable
- Automated replies and reminders
- Website analytics and reporting capabilities